Breakfast Pax Americana
On display at Phillips Exeter Academy in full from February 2020 to June 2020, remains on display in part as of March 2021.
Continental, normal, standard. Breakfast. Served at every world summit and conference. Inoffensive, compatible, protocol. It's only a coincidence, then, that it's also American, right?
Continental, normal, standard. Petit déjeuner. Servi à chaque sommet mondial et conférence. Protocole; inoffensif et compatible. Ce n'est qu'une coïncidence, alors, que c'est aussi américain, non?

Amusingly enough, due to the pandemic, the fabric parts of the art were removed (and shipped back to me by some very kind members of the Lamont Gallery), but the plate and sign remained - special thanks to Jamie Rose Chen for informing me of this - and are still there as I am writing this in spring of 2021. Perhaps there’s a commentary to be made there about how the soft was taken and the hard remained.